Dreams Unlimited Travel

Request a Quote
Disneyland California

Disneyland - California - Room-Only Reservation Request

Dreams Unlimited Travel Agent Request

Lisa Brown

Your Information

Please enter your personal information below.  YOU MUST SUPPLY A VALID EMAIL ADDRESS to receive a quote.  Quotes are supplied only via email.  This information is not resold or used for any other purpose.  For more information, read our PRIVACY POLICY.

Red indicates a mandatory field.
First Name
Last Name
Address 1
Address 2
Zip Code
Is everyone in your party a U.S. Citizen? If NO please indicate country of Citizenship in the 'Special Requests' section below
Daytime Phone
Evening Phone
Email Address An email is required.Invalid email format. 
Create Password You must create a password. This password is used to obtain your quote and to access our Client Services area.
JUST for use on this website. Your agent will have access to the password you create and it could appear in written correspondences.
Retype Password A value is required.Please enter the same password as above
Discount Programs

If you belong to any of the special programs listed below, please enter the requested information.
Do you have a Disneyland Annual Pass?
IMPORTANT NOTE: You MUST provide a valid Annual Pass (or Annual Pass Voucher) number in order for Dreams Unlimited Travel to quote any Annual Passholder rates/discounts. Please provide this number in the box below for names. If you do not supply this number you will be quoted the non-discounted rate for this reservation.
You will be required to show a valid annual pass upon check in to receive any discounted rates.
Are you active duty or retired military?
IMPORTANT NOTE: You MUST provide proof of military duty in order to qualify for any discounts.

Resort Preferences

Please provide information on your package & resort choice/preference.

First Choice Resort
Room Type

Second Choice Resort
Room Type

Third Choice Resort
Room Type

Number of Rooms
Depending on your party size, you may require more than one room. If you think this is the case, please provide us with the breakdown of who will be in each room in the "special requests" section below.

If you need more than 4 rooms please indicate this in the "Special Requests" section below.

Travel Dates

Arrival Date
*We cannot quote within 2 weeksof arrival.
Departure Date
If your arrival dates are flexible, please provide that information here:

Park Admission

Would you like to add Disneyland Park Hopper Tickets to your Room Reservation? (2 Day Park Hopper Option does not include Early Entry option).

Your Travel Party

Please provide us information about your party size and special requests.
Number of Adults
Number of Children
17 and under
Ages of Children
(eg. 3,7,14)
Do any members of your party require a handicapped accessible room?
If yes, please provide details of the disability in the "Special Requests" box below so that we can secure the appropriate accomodations.
Special Requests
Please provide the full names of everyone in your party, along with the corresponding ages of children and any special requests you may have.  *NOTE:  The names of the party members and ages of children are required in order to receive a quote.

Please also provide your Annual Pass (or Annual Pass Voucher) number if you indicated you have an Annual Pass above.

If you are a current or previous client of Dreams Unlimited Travel and would like to once again work with the same agent please make a note of your agent's name here.

*Note:  We will confirm pricing when you submit this form, and will diligently look for deals and options to help keep your costs as low as possible. Rates are subject to change without notice prior to making a confirmed reservation..

I have read, and agree to the Terms and Conditions as outlined on this site.  At such time that I present a form of payment to secure a reservation, I understand and agree to all terms, conditions and cancellation policies as set forth by Walt Disney Travel and the Walt Disney Company. By submitting data to Dreams Unlimited Travel you agree to our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy .