Dreams Unlimited Travel

Disneyland California

Disneyland® Existing Room Reservations Form

Your Information
First Name*
Last Name*   
Create Password*

You will use this password  to access your reservation information on line.  Please choose a password  you will easily remember.
Address 1*
Address 2*
Zip Code*
Email Address*
We cannot provide you with a quote unless a valid email address is provided.
Disneyland Annual Passholder?
You will be required to show a valid annual pass upon check in to receive any discounted rates.
Number of Adults
Number of Children (ages 3 - 17):
Ages* of Children (eg. 3,7,14)
Number of Rooms:
Do any members of your party require a handicapped accessible room?
If yes, please tell us the nature of the disability in the box below so that we can ensure the appropriate accomodations.
Names / Ages / Special Requests
Please provide the full names of everyone in your party, along with the corresponding ages of children and any special requests you may have.  *NOTE:  The names of the party members and ages of children are required in order to receive a quote.

Also, specify any special requests you may have.

Please use this space to let us know of all the package add-ons you may have including air, transfers, insurance and other destinations:
Vacation Information
Arrival Date*
Departure Date*
Resort & Room Type*
What is the total price of your reservation?* $
What is your current confirmation number? NOTE: We will not be able to process your conversion request without your current confirmation number.

*Note:  We will confirm pricing when you submit this form, and will diligently look for deals and options to help keep your costs as low as possible. Rates are subject to change without notice prior to making a confirmed reservation

By clicking on the SUBMIT button you are authorizing Dreams Unlimited Travel to take control of your existing reservation as entered above. If you are only looking for a comparative rate, and do not wish to transfer your existing reservation at this time, DO NOT hit submit. Instead, use your browsers Back button to return to the previous page and select the form for a new reservation.

I have read, and agree to the Terms and Conditions as outlined on this site.  At such time that I present a form of payment to secure a reservation, I understand and agree to all terms, conditions and cancellation policies as set forth by Walt Disney Travel and the Walt Disney Company. By submitting data to Dreams Unlimited Travel you agree to our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy